
Recipes with Red Currant

Red currant
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The red currant is a real treasure from the garden, with bright red, tart berries that brighten up the summer days. Red currants are not only a delight to the eye but also incredibly versatile in the kitchen. However, many people struggle to use them in their cooking. Here are some suggestions for dishes with red currants and a bit more knowledge about the berry!

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Red currant – a unique berry

The redcurrant bush (Ribes rubrum) has been cultivated and used for centuries. It’s known for being highly adaptable and thrives in cooler climates. In the United States, red currants grow well in northern states and areas with cooler temperatures.

The long days of summer in these regions promote good growth, leading to healthy harvests. Red currant bushes are becoming more popular in American gardens, especially among those looking for unique berries.

There are different varieties of currants, but the most well-known are red and white currants (the white being an albino form of red currants). Black currants also belong to the same genus. In the states, red currants and black currants can be found in both cultivated gardens and wild areas.

Health benefits and nutritional value

Red currants are particularly rich in vitamin C, which is important for the immune system and skin. In addition, the berry contains vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and for binding calcium in the bones.

They also contain large amounts of antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Furthermore, the berries are high in fiber, which contributes to good digestion.

In other words, red currants are both nutritious and a delicacy in the kitchen!

Oat Porridge with Red Currant Marmalade

Recipe for oat porridge with red currant marmelade
Photo by Anita Karlson

This is one of my favorite breakfasts! I often make oat porridge, as it’s both simple and nutritious. It’s probably most common to top it with sugar, cinnamon, and a good dollop of butter. But what about choosing red currant marmalade instead?

Use quick-cooking oats and make the porridge according to the instructions on the package. This recipe serves two people.


2 dl quick-cooking oats

5 dl water

¼ ts salt

4 Tbsp red currant marmalade

How to make it:

Mix the oats, water, and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 2–3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour into two serving bowls and top with a couple of generous tablespoons of marmalade.

Next Read: How to use Green Tomatoes at the end of the Season

Norwegian Red Currant Dessert

This is a super delicious dessert that’s also easy to make, and you don’t need many ingredients either. Simply layer red currants, vanilla custard, meringue, and whipped cream in a dessert bowl. That’s it!

The amazing mix of tart and sweet makes this dessert truly special. If you make it in advance and let it sit in the pantry or fridge for a couple of hours before serving, it tastes even better. This softens the meringue a bit and brings out the flavors even more.


200 g red currant

3 dl cream, whipped

250 g vanilla custard

100 g meringue

How to make it:

Place half of the vanilla custard at the bottom of the bowl. Then, spread half of the whipped cream over the vanilla custard. Next, layer half of the berries and half of the meringue. Start a new layer with vanilla custard followed by whipped cream. Decorate the top nicely with the remaining meringues and red currants.

Tip: You can use both fresh and frozen berries for this dessert. If you’re using frozen berries, let the juice drain off before adding the berries to the dessert.