Author: Anita Karlson


The Japanese Composting Method

Japanese composting is a composting method that was developed in the early 1980s by Dr. Teuro Higa at the University of Okinawa. The Japanese composting method is also called Bokasi composting.
Dr. Teuro Higa is best known for his pioneering work on effective microorganisms (EM). It is precisely these microorganisms that are at play during bokashi composting.

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Do I need a greenhouse in a cold climate?

A greenhouse is an important addition to any garden in a cold climate. The greenhouse allows you to extend the short season and protect sensitive plants. In addition, you can grow plants that would not otherwise thrive in our latitudes.

The climate changes we have experienced in recent years make the growing season unpredictable. We can no longer take for granted old thumbs of rules as to when to sow and what to sow when.

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